
British Board of Agrément (BBA)

Agrément Certificate 02/3921 for FF810 Membranes
Agrément Certificate 04/4079 for FF807 Membranes

The BBA is an independent organisation, accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) to perform testing and provide certification in accordance with ISO / IEC standards.

The certificates from the BBA bring together a number of tests including physical performance, weathertightness, durability and fire resistance to certify that the product is fit for purpose.

The BBA have designated Fatra membranes with a life expectancy in excess of 30 years and have confirmed the membranes are suitable for use as a waterproofing solution in a variety of roof build-ups for both flat and pitched roofs, including loose-laid, ballasted and sedum roof finishes.


International Standards Organisation (ISO)

ISO 9001 Quality Management
ISO 14001 Environmental Management

The ISO is the world’s most recognised quality management system standard. This certification represents assurance by an independent accredited body of conformity to specific requirements. It covers products and their components, services, people and systems.

The certification process typically includes on-site audits and standardised testing and inspections. Once a certificate has been delivered, it is maintained through regular audits. Fatra‘s ISO systems have been certified by Bureau Veritas, an international leader in certification of Quality, Health & Safety and Environmental management systems.

Fatra is committed to quality management and attained ISO 9001 Certification (Quality management) in 1994, not only for the design and manufacture of membranes but also for the design and manufacture of raw PVC products.

In 2000, Fatra added to this by attaining ISO 14001 Certification (Environmental management), again for the design and manufacture of both membranes and raw PVC.

Together, these approvals give the designer and client assurance that Fatra manufacture sustainable, reliable, quality products with minimal environmental impact.


Building Research Establishment (BRE)

Fire Testing
BS 476-3:2004 and EN 13501-5

BRE Global is a UKAS accredited testing laboratory which comprehensively tests, predicts and assesses the fire performance of products and materials to British, European, Marine and International fire-test standards.

They operate one of the largest fire research and testing laboratories in Europe with state-of-the-art facilities and Fatra have had a number of complete roof build-ups (substrate, vapour control layer, insulation, membrane and relevant ancillary products) tested to replicate an actual roof construction.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a naturally fire resistant polymer, and Fatra membrane is flame retardant. All of our roofing membranes have achieved at least an AC* rating which equates to a European classification of BROOF (t4). Under BS 476, any build-up which achieves a rating of AC or above is classified as ‘unrestricted’ and can be used anywhere on the roof.

*Ratings of AA and AB have also been achieved. Please contact us for further details.


Building Research Establishment (BRE)

BRE Environmental Profiles Scheme

The BRE Environmental Profiles Scheme measures the environmental performance of materials and products over their entire lifecycle through their extraction, processing, construction, use and maintenance, and their eventual demolition and disposal. These assessments provide information on key issues of environmental sustainability such as climate change, acidification, consumption of minerals and water, emissions and pollutants to water and air.

The BRE established this scheme to provide an on-going, independent assessment of construction products, with the aim of clarifying any confusion about green credentials.

Fatra have had a number of complete roof build-ups independently tested and assessed by the BRE achieving an ‘A+’ BREEAM rating. Fatra are also the first PVC membrane manufacturer to obtain a set of Ecopoint ratings from the BRE.

This information can then be used in BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) and other similar systems to assess and reduce the environmental impact of the building.


FM Approvals

Approval Standard FM 4470

FM Approvals is an international leader in third-party testing and certification services. They test property loss prevention products and services (for use in commercial and industrial facilities) to verify they meet rigorous loss prevention standards of quality, technical integrity and performance.

The ‘FM APPROVED‘ mark is recognized and respected worldwide. Fatra FF810V mechanically fixed membrane has been tested to the following standards:

•  Single-Ply, Polymer-Modified Bitumen Sheet, Built-Up Roof (BUR) and Liquid Applied Roof Assemblies for use in Class 1 and Non-combustible Roof Deck Construction.

•  American National Standard for Evaluating the Simulated Wind Uplift Resistance of Roof Assemblies Using Static Positive and / or Negative Differential Pressures

An FM Approved roof signifies a fully tested roof assembly, not simply a collection of indipendent products and components that may or may not perform as expected.



Root resistance testing

Fatra membranes have successfully passed testing under the FLL standard ‘Determination of resistance to root damage to flexible sheets and coatings for roof planting‘, confirming that both FF810 and FF807 membranes are suitable for use in sedum and green roof build-ups.

Fatra Certification